about the design

The design features reaction-diffusion patterns that mimic the natural growth processes creating coral’s hypnotic textures. Reaction-diffusion systems are mathematical models describing how substances can spontaneously self-organize into striking patterns as they interact, following the mechanisms of both reaction and diffusion. This algorithm captures the interplay of different chemical morphogens spreading and reacting, similar to how coral polyps gradually build their calcium carbonate structures.

Our lampshades not only captivate with their visual appeal but also highlight the impact of our lifestyle choices on the environment. Inspired by the fascinating natural phenomenon of coral bleaching, the design reflects both the vulnerability and resilience of these organisms. When corals experience stress, such as warm water temperatures, they expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn completely white. However, by restoring optimal conditions, they can often recover.

The lamp becomes a quiet catalyst for positive change, encouraging individuals to reflect on their own habits and make choices that support a more sustainable future.